Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
Drama Teacher with over 10 years experience. A range of accessible and detailed resources to make Drama and Theatre teaching fun, inspiring and awesome. Any questions please ask!
A note from the author:
A useful Template Production Audition Pack for the directors of co-curricular shows or exam texts. This template guides directors on what they should include when preparing for auditions.
Director of Drama Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
School Production Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Production Audition Pack Template
Cast Audition Form
Crew Backstage Role Form
Please note:
Purchasing this template allows you to amend and reproduce the pack and forms in anyway that you wish.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A Useful Contract Form Template for the directors of co-curricular shows or exam texts. This useful form protects productions from unnecessary absence from cast and crew members.
Director of Drama Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
School Production Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Production Rehearsal Contract Template
Please note:
Purchasing this template allows you to amend and reproduce the contract in anyway that you wish.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A resources with lots of links to the work of Frantic Assembly that is useful to share with pupils so that they can conduct their own exploration into methods and previous work of FA!
Physical Theatre Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Frantic Assembly Practitioner Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
GCSE Drama Component One: Devising Theatre (also available as part of this bundle)
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
A Form Template for the HOD or Director of Drama/Expressive Arts to use with any directors of co-curricular shows or exam texts. This useful form safeguards the department against any issues relating to negative feedback from audience or staff relating to the content of shows selected for performance of pupils of any age.
Director of Drama Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
School Production Toolkit (also available as part of this bundle)
Production Proposal Form 2019/20
Please note:
Purchasing this template allows you to amend and reproduce the form in anyway that you wish.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this application form to help course assessors ensure that candidates are committed to the Arts Award through their application for a space on the course. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 10 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
An application form template for course leaders/assessors to ensure that applicants onto the Arts Award are dedicated.
A Bronze/Silver/Gold amendable application form template.
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this handout as an extremely invaluable tool to support my Bronze Arts Award candidates in their ideas for and organisation of evidence in their portfolio. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 4 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
User-friendly handout introduction booklet as a great way to start to stimulate ideas from candidates required to pass the Bronze Arts Award.
Introduction Booklet Handout, Bronze Arts Award
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this handout as an extremely invaluable tool to support my Bronze Arts Award candidates in their ideas for and organisation of evidence of Part C in their portfolio. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 10 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
User-friendly handout (breakdown and checklist) as a great start to stimulate ideas from candidates required to pass the Bronze Arts Award.
Part C Handout (breakdown and evidence checklist), Bronze Arts Award
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this letter template to support my communication of the Bronze Arts Award. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 10 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
A template letter to send to parents / guardians with details of the Bronze Arts Award and example money costs (which should be adjusted for each centre).
Bronze Arts Award letter template
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I use this with my pupils. If everyone in a group brings in everything on the sheet then the group can share a mini-bag of pic ‘n’ mix sweets for that lesson(not included in this resource :-) )
Drama GCSE Complete (also available as part of this bundle)
GCSE Drama Component One: Devising Theatre (also available as part of this bundle)
Please note:
Purchasing this resource allows you to amend it in any way you would like.
Does not include real pic ‘n’ mix!
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this letter template to support my communication of the Silver Arts Award. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 4 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
A template letter to send to parents / guardians with details of the Silver Arts Award and example money costs (which should be adjusted for each centre).
Silver Arts Award letter template
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this handout as an extremely invaluable tool to support my Silver Arts Award candidates in their ideas for and organisation of evidence in their portfolio. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 10 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
User-friendly handout introduction booklet as a great way to start to stimulate ideas from candidates required to pass the Silver Arts Award.
Introduction Booklet Handout, Silver Arts Award
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this letter template to support my communication of the Gold Arts Award. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 10 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
A template letter to send to parents / guardians with details of the Gold Arts Award and example money costs (which should be adjusted for each centre).
Gold Arts Award letter template
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
This was the quiz that I hosted for our annual Drama Department Dinner. 5 rounds, takes approximately 45 mins/1 hour or so depending on numbers and method of scoring (we used the teacher table to score). Our students are placed into different Theatre Companies (drama houses) for various events that they partake in each year.
Round 1 - General Theatre, Film & TV
Round 2 - Music Round - Name Musical & Song
Round 3 - School Drama Department (Make these your own!)
Overview of Resources:
These resources are for a complete quiz event.
Quiz Questions
Quiz Answer Sheets
Please note:
You will have to supply the music for the music round (Round 4). You can source these on Youtube / Spotify. Ensure you cut off with the last line prompt or it may give away the title of the song or some other key piece of information.
You will also have to tailor the questions in Round 3 to your own school’s drama department. You can use mine as a basis.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I have created this adaptable resource to help you plan when you will deliver your Arts Award throughout the academic year. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 4 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
In my school Year 10 take Bronze, Year 11 take SIlver and Years 12/13 take Gold.
Year 10 complete Bronze in the Autumn and Spring terms, then start Silver in the Summer term and finish it in Year 11 in the Autumn and Spring terms prior to GCSE exams. Year 12/13 have a choice to complete it over three terms or over 5 terms.
This mapping template is fully adaptable to your circumstances, term dates and pressures, so feel free to adapt however you see fit to!
Academic Year Mapping for Arts Award (Bronze, Silver & Gold)
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Truth & Lies
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Time
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
In this stimuli pack are images, quotes, poems and information to be used with pupils who are devising theatre as a springboard for their creative ideas.
20 pages stimuli booklet on the topic of Power & Control
Please note:
Whilst I have included a range of stimulus, it is also advisable to include at least one article/piece of information from the month and year of use.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
Some of the resources from Arts Award directly are not very easy to use nor are they easy to communicate to or made accessible for young people. Therefore, I crafted this handout as an extremely invaluable tool to support my Gold Arts Award candidates in their ideas for and organisation of evidence in their portfolio. I have been assessing the Arts Award for over 10 years now - Bronze, Silver & Gold.
Overview of Resource:
User-friendly Unit 1: Part D task, checklist, guidance and initial ideas for candidates require to pass the Gold Arts Award.
Unit 1: Part D Handout, Gold Arts Award
Please note:
You must ensure that a member of your team is trained to assess your Arts Award candidates. Alternatively you can contact a local centre who can assess your candidates. Visit the Arts Award website for further details.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I have this poster on my studio walls as a fun and informative way for students to gain initial exposure to Augusto Boal.
Overview of Resource:
1 x Practitioner Poster - Augusto Boal
Practitioner Posters Pack (Bundle)
1x Poster
Please note:
Purchasing this poster allows you to amend and reproduce it for use in your school.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!
A note from the author:
I have this poster on my studio walls as a fun and informative way for students to gain initial exposure to Uta Hagen.
Overview of Resource:
1 x Practitioner Poster - Uta Hagen
Practitioner Posters Pack (Bundle)
1x Poster
Please note:
Purchasing this poster allows you to amend and reproduce it for use in your school.
Please do comment on my resources so that I can continue to update and expand them. If you need any more information/clarification please comment and I will update my resources ASAP!